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  • In most States 18 is when you are no longer a minor so yes, your mother can call you a runaway and if necessary report you missing to the police after a 24 hour period. Instead of running away sit down with your mother and communicate and try to come to some amicable agreement between the two of you so you can get along better. When you run away your mother is terrified something will happen to you and trust in this ... many teens simply go missing or worse and even though a teen thinks they know it all the streets out there are 'mean streets' and there are predators just waiting for a young teen to come their way . Your mother has every right to be worried about you and you should be thankful she even cares enough to try and find you. It's time you stepped up to the plate and started acting mature and perhaps you would get more respect and have peace between your mother and yourself.
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Q: Can your parents report a runaway if they kick you out?
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If your parents kick you out of their house can they still report you as a runaway after you have been kicked out?

If you have already been kicked out of your parents' house, they are unlikely to report you as a runaway since you are no longer under their care. However, it's important to seek support and discuss legal options to protect your well-being after being kicked out.

What if you don't report a runaway in Michigan?

Parents get charged for neglect

Runaway or absentee minor report?

A runaway or absentee minor report is what a person files if a minor in their custody has run away or is missing. There are various reasons parents do not file a report a runaway that include not wanting to involve police involvement, they know where the minor is, or they do not think police involvement is needed.

Can the law return a 16 year old runaway to their parents in Florida?

Yes, under Florida law, a 16-year-old runaway can be returned to their parents if they are found. Law enforcement has the authority to take the child into custody and return them home. Parents can also file a runaway report with the police to have them located and returned.

What are the ramifications for parents when a 17-year-old moves out?

Until they reach the age of majority, the parents are still responsible for the child. They get to determine where they can live and can report them as a runaway.

What will happen if you move out of your house before the age of 18?

Your parents will likely report you as a runaway and you will be picked up and returned home.

Can parents press charges ageist the person who hid a runaway even when the runaway is18?

No, parents cannot press charges against the person who hid their 18-year-old runaway child. At 18, the individual is considered an adult and can make their own decisions. However, parents can still report the runaway to the authorities to ensure the child's safety.

Is a seventeen year old a runaway or missing?

The parents can report him as missing or as a runaway and then it depends on what the police finds. If they find no suspicion of him to be a runaway he will be called as missing and the other way around. Until he is 18 he is not allowed to move out without parental permission.

If a 16 year soon to be 17 year old runs away in North Carolina and takes their parents car what can the parents do?

Report the child as a runaway and the car as stolen.

Does a parent have to report a runaway in wa state?

While it is not required by law for parents to report a runaway in Washington state, it is often recommended to do so in order to ensure the child's safety and well-being. Reporting a runaway to law enforcement can help facilitate efforts to locate the child and ensure they receive appropriate support and services.

What do you do if your 17 yr old moves out and an adult is harbouring him?

If he's not allowed to legally where you live due to his age or if you have not given permission if needed, you report him as a runaway. It's illegal to harbor a runaway and then the police can go and get him. Or you tell the adult that what they are doing is illegal so maybe then they kick him out.

What can parents do in the state of Mississippi if their 16 year old child moves out?

A minor can not move out without your permission or by being emancipated by the court so you can report him as a runaway and have the police assist you to get him back. Anyone helping a runaway will be committing a crime.