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In Texas the legal age to be able to move out is 17. You would just have to call your parents and tell them your okay and have a secure place to live and the police cant intervene. In other states I'm pretty sure you have to be 18, or you will be considered a runaway and can be returned to your parents and/or be put in a juvinelle facility. To get emanicpated you have to be 16 and you can look up laws about emancipation. So to the point: legally you cannot live with your sister unless your parents agree, you live in Texas, or get emancipated.


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Q: Can a 17 year old living with her parents runaway and live her sister?
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Can a 17 year old girl living in California move to Texas without her parents permission to live with her girlfriend?

no by cali laws- you would be considered a runaway

If I'm 18 still in school yet i left my house because of family problems I've been living with my friend parents for 2 weeks now and my dad is threatening to call the cops im in Utah am i a runaway?

Were you a minor, then yes this would be an issue. You could be termed a runaway and your friend's parents could be charged with harboring a runaway. As you are 18, of the age of majority, you are free to live where you can.

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The parents can request the police to return the runaway to their home.

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since you are 18 and going to live with a fiance, then i dobt the police will make you come back home with your parents. since you are 18 and going to live with a fiance, then i dobt the police will make you come back home with your parents.

What are the ramifications for parents when a 17-year-old moves out?

Until they reach the age of majority, the parents are still responsible for the child. They get to determine where they can live and can report them as a runaway.

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Have her jailed on statutory rape charges.

If you runaway at sixteen to live with your boyfriend will he get in trouble?

Yes, he could have charges brought against him. Until you are an adult, your parents are responsible for you.

Can your sister decide to live with you?

Yes , your sister can decide to live with you if she of legal age. In most states you have to be 18 to decide who you will live with. If she is a minor this is up to your parents or the court to decide.

How can you leave home at 16 and not be considered a runaway in Mississippi?

Have the permission of your parents. Until you reach the age of majority, you are their responsibility. They get to determine where you live.

A friend has left his parents home and is living with us what rights do we have?

If you live in the US... You have zero rights. His parents have all rights, include the right to file a police report, in which case you could very likely find yourself facing criminal charges--harboring a runaway, contributing to the delinquency minor, etc.

How could a baby box turtle live with out there parents?

yes it could as long as it has food and things to live as if it was living with its parents!

Does a 16 year old have rights to live with their friends in Nova Scotia?

No, they must have permission from their parents. Otherwise they are a runaway and the police can return them to their home.