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Q: Can a 13 year old live with an older sibling?
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Not if you live in Texas. But that's only if the 16 year old is your older sibling...

Can a thirteen year old legally move out or her house and live with an older sibling without parental consent?

No, they cannot, unless they have a court order.

Is it legal for a 15-year-old in Georgia to live with an older sibling?

Yes, if they have parental permission. Otherwise the parents determine where the child lives.

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yes if you have a older sibling doing paper rounds with you.

How old can leeches live to be?

Most live to be 1 year old. Some can be older

Can a fourteen year old live with an eighteen year old?

If you mean as in a romantic relationship the answer is no. If you mean as in a sibling being the guardian and have custody of a younger sibling, yes it's possible but up to the court.

Can a 14 year old look after a 5 year old sibling?

I am not a parent, but I think if the Fourteen year old is responsible enough, they should be able to look after their five year old sibling.

Is a 13 year old old enough to look after their 11 year old sibling?

It depends on the relationship the two have and how responsible the 13 year old is. If the 13 year old is very responsible and the 11 year old will follow his/her directions it should be fine, but if they argue and the 11 year old won't listen I would suggest an older babysitter would be better.

Can a 17 year old live with an adult sibling in Illinois?

In Illinois, a 17-year-old can live with an adult sibling if the sibling is willing to provide care and support for the minor. However, it is advised to consult with a legal professional to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to establish a suitable living arrangement.

How legal is?

For a 16 year old to babysit a 13 year old sibling overnight?

If a parent with full custody allows a 15 year old daughter to move in with a 17 year old sibling is it legal?

No you can not let a 15 live witb a 17. It is Illegal, they are both minors.

Can a 17 year old fly along with their 13 year old sibling international?
