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yes very much so My 10 year old can. It just takes good will and a lot of practice

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Breilan McGee

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2y ago
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Q: Can a 10 year old boy throw a slurve ball?
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If the 9 year old was very good or if Messi slipped or if he deliberately let him, then the 9 year old could take the ball off him. Realistically, a 9 year old would not get the ball from Messi.

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im 12 i can throw around 50mph so around 50 to 70mph

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To throw a surprise party for an eleven year old boy is to start with inviting the childÕs friends. Then select a location that the child would enjoy and finally keep it a secret.

How can an 11 year old boy tell an 11 year old girl that you like her?

Valentines !! Ask her to be your valentine && if you like her ALOT then always smile at her when she glances or looks at you get near her and try to show off you skills now don't STALK her Girls HATE it when you do that . & also say your playing a basket ball game kinda near her throw the Ball outta the game so the ball can at least touch her feet and you will get a chance to look at her P.S good luck;)

How old should you be to throw a curveball?

It depends which way he is throwing the ball. If he is twisting his wrist he could hurt his elbow and end up seriously injured. Only adults should twist their wrist when throwing a curve ball. There is a way to throw a curve ball without hurting your arm though. What you do is you get your grip on the baseball and throw the ball like a football. I throw my curves this way and they are pretty nasty.