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Yes, the age of majority is 18 in Pennsylvania. Up to that point you are a minor.

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Q: Are you considered an adult at 18 in chester Pennsylvania?
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Related questions

How long are you legally considered a minor in Pennsylvania?

for drinking 21, for being an adult 18, for smoking 18. its the same everywhere

If you are under 18 and you are married can you move out without a parents permission in Pennsylvania?

If you are married, you are considered an adult and can do what you wish.

Can a 18-year old move out of their parent's home in Pennsylvania?

Yes, they are considered an adult. The parents are no longer responsible for the individual.

When is a Buddhist considered an adult?

you are considered an adult at 18 in buddhism

At what age can you move out of your home in Pennsylvania?

You can move out when you become an adult. In Pennsylvania that is when you turn 18.

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In South Carolina, you are considered an adult at the age of 18.

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Taina Mirach was born on September 18, 1978, in Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.

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Graham Nolte was born on July 18, 1988, in West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA.

Can a 17 yr old just 6 months short of being 18 move out of parents house in Pennsylvania?

The age of majority in Pennsylvania is 18. That is the age at which you can legally move out on your own. If you try to move out before that age, or run away, you can be reported as a runaway and forced to return home.

When are children considered an adult in Maryland?

In Maryland, a child is considered an adult at the age of 18.

At what age are you considered and adult in Egypt?

In Egypt, a person is considered an adult at the age of 18.

Are you considered an adult at the age of 17 in Florida?

No. You're an adult at 18