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I don't know...The Fourth Prophecy has just come out, and Firestar still has 6 lives left to spare.Tigerstar is dead, and so is Hawkfrost, but Breezetail and Tawnypelts son Tigerheart are training with tigerstar and Hawkfrost, but tigerheart doesnt know it might end up in a war. Read more to find out!

who ever wrote this doesn't pay atteintion to the books. The darkforest is srong enough to come back to the world and kill as do Starclan so get your facts stright.Tigerclaw can still kill Anybody he wants to.

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3mo ago

The battle between StarClan and the Dark Forest is rooted in the conflict between good and evil within the warrior cat world. StarClan, representing the ancestors and benevolent spirits, seeks to protect and guide the living cats, while the Dark Forest houses the spirits of malevolent cats who wish to wreak havoc and gain power. This clash is a culmination of long-standing tensions and prophecies foretelling a final showdown between the two factions.

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12y ago

I believe that our beloved Firestar will die in this battle. Sad huh? I also believe Brambleclaw will die before this battle because without firestar... its kinda hard to name the next leader! Also, I think some of our other long time friends will die. For example, Graystripe, Sandstorm, Dustpelt, ect. I know it sucks but not all cats can live forever. I also beileve that some Starclan and Darkforest cats will die.Like maybe Bluestar, Tallstar, Yeloowfang, (darforest cats) Darkstripe,Brokenstar, Hawkfrost, Tigerstar, ect. Also sad. The reason why is because in Night Whispers, it said the dead cats in these places can still die and vanish for good. Now none of these things are comfirmed, so don't take my word for it. But I truly believe Firestar will die in this battl

I really hope Firestar will face off with Tigerstar and they will both kill each other in the end. It would work perfectly because tehn Firestar would go to Starclan and Tigerstar would be gone for good!!! So this is all my opion. Hope you enjoyed reading. :3

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12y ago

The Dark Forest cats want a war between the cats they have left behind and they what the warrior code to be destroyed.

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