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Miss Edmunds is important to Jess because she encourages his passion for art and helps him see beyond the constraints of his small town. She provides a positive influence in his life, inspiring him to explore his talents and pursue his dreams. Jess finds in Miss Edmunds someone who understands and appreciates him in a way that his family and peers do not.

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Q: Why is miss Edmunds important to jess?
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Who is Miss Edmunds and why is she important to Jess?

because she takes him to washiton

Who is miss Edmunds in bridge to teribethia the book?

Miss Edmunds is Jess Aarons' music teacher in "Bridge to Terabithia." She is portrayed as an inspiring and free-spirited woman who encourages and supports Jess in pursuing his passion for art and music. Miss Edmunds plays a significant role in Jess' life, helping him to see his potential and creativity.

who is miss Edmunds in bridge to Terabithia?

Miss Edmunds is a music teacher in "Bridge to Terabithia" who takes a special interest in the main character, Jess, and helps him discover his love for music and art. She provides a nurturing and supportive presence in Jess's life, serving as a mentor and inspiring him to pursue his passions.

Why did jess get of the bus befor his normal stop Bridge to Terabithia?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," Jess gets off the bus before his normal stop because he sees his teacher, Miss Edmunds, and decides to go to the museum with her. Jess admires Miss Edmunds and wants to spend time with her, which leads him to make the spontaneous decision to get off the bus.

Why does miss Edmund's take Jess to Washington?

To see the a museum>

Who is miss Edmund's and why is she important to Jess?

Miss Edmmunds is a music teacher and she is important to jess because he shows her all his pictures x

Who is miss Edmund and why is she so important to Jess?

Miss Edmmunds is a music teacher and she is important to jess because he shows her all his pictures x

Who was the only person who liked jess drawings in bridge to teribithia?

Miss Edmunds was the only person who appreciated Jess's drawings in "Bridge to Terabithia." She encouraged his artistic talents and inspired him to keep creating.

What does Jess like about Miss Edmundsin bridge to terabithia?

Jess is deeply in puppy love with Miss Edmunds. She is like a breath of fresh air to him in the squalid atmosphere of his school, Lark Creek Elementary, which is very much like an extension of his home environment. At school, the teachers are prone to nagging and the students are generally catty and demonstrate little intellectual curiosity or desire to learn. Compared with the rest, Miss Edmunds is extraordinarily sweet, kind, and beautiful. Most of the kids pretend not to like her, citing her hippie-like aura, but Jess adores her and knows that, deep down, so do the others. Music class is the only time at school when the students are allowed to let their hair down and relax and have fun.

Who plays in Bridge to Terabithia?

Josh Hutcherson as Jess AnnaSophia Robb as Leslie Robert Patrick as Jack Zooey Deschanel as Miss. Edmunds Bailee Madison as May- Belle

Who is Miss Edmund's and why is she important to Jesse?

Miss Edmmunds is a music teacher and she is important to jess because he shows her all his pictures x

In bridge to terabithia where did Miss. Edmunds spent a year at college?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," Miss Edmunds mentions that she spent a year at the University of Georgia in Athens.