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Jack invites everyone to join him at the feast in "Lord of the Flies" to assert his power and dominance over the boys. By hosting a feast, he demonstrates his ability to provide food and creates a sense of loyalty among his followers. Additionally, the feast serves as a way for Jack to celebrate his control over the hunting and food distribution on the island.

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Q: Why does jack invites everyone to join him at the feast in the lord of the flies?
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Piggy is the boy who does not dance at Jack's first feast in "Lord of the Flies." He is not physically capable of dancing due to his asthmatic condition, and he also struggles to keep up with the other boys due to his lack of physical fitness.

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At the feast in "Lord of the Flies," Jack becomes primal and barbaric. He revels in the hunting and killing of the pig, showing his savage nature. He leads the boys in a chaotic and frenzied celebration, demonstrating his descent into savagery and his rejection of civilized behavior.

In lord of the flies chapter 8 what does Jack and his tribe take from Ralph and the others?

In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack and his tribe steal Piggy's glasses from Ralph and the others. The glasses are essential for starting fires on the island, which becomes a critical issue for the boys' survival.

What dose jack plan to do in order to enable his followers to have another feast Lord of the flies?

Jack plans to hunt and kill a pig to provide meat for a feast for his followers. He wants to assert his power and leadership over the group by providing them with food and creating a sense of abundance and celebration.

What is Jacks plan to get more of the bigger boys from Ralph's camp?

Jack plans to send his hunters to gradually entice and lure the boys from Ralph's camp by offering them food, protection, and the freedom to hunt without rules or order. He believes that once the boys experience the thrill of hunting and the power that comes with joining his tribe, they will willingly switch allegiance from Ralph to him.

Although he is not able to get the boys to vote Ralph out of office as chief jack manages to overthrow Ralphs authority anyway How?

Jack creates a tribe of his own and invites everyone to join him for a feast. When everyone sees that he has meat and lots of food, they prefer him to Ralph so they leave Ralph and join Jack's clan

What breaks the ice at jack's party in lord of the flies?

At Jack's party in "Lord of the Flies," the ice is broken when Jack insists that everyone dance, leading to a wild and primal dance around the fire. This moment of freedom and abandonment helps the boys momentarily forget their fears and inhibitions.

In Lord of the Flies what did Jack do to make him seem the more popular choice for leader?

Jack threw a feast on the beach and invited all the boys to attend. He gave them all meat and then invited them to join his tribe, adding that his hunters would protect them from the beast.

Who accompanies jack to steal fire from Ralph group in lord of the flies?

Prior to holding a feast on the beach Jack, accompanied by four hunters visited Ralph's group at the shelters. Two unnamed hunters grabbed burning braches and ran off along the beach with them. Jack, flanked by Maurice and Robert, delivered a speech inviting the rest of the boys to his feast. Later in the book Jack selected Roger and Maurice to accompany him on his raid to 'get fire' from Ralph's group, infact they stole Piggy's glasses.

How does the assembly in lord of the flies come to an end in chapter 5?

Jack invites anybody to come with him to join his tribe. His tribe does things like shoving spears up pigs' asses (many people think that they fed their penises to the pigs, but this is FALSE).

Who is with Jack in the forest in Lord of the Flies?

The people on the island with jack AFTER he forms a new tribe, is everyone except for some little ones, Ralph, Sam And Eric ( Though they get kidnapped and forced to join later ) and Piggy. ( Though he gets killed by roger, who had joined the tribe with Jack )