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Wiesel uses the image of himself as a young boy to emphasize the innocence and vulnerability of the victims of the Holocaust. By recounting his own experiences as a child, he humanizes the suffering and loss experienced by all those who endured the horrors of the Holocaust. This personal connection helps to make the story more relatable and impactful for the audience.

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Q: Why does Wiesel return to the image of himself as a young boy in the conclusion of his speech?
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Why does Wiesel return to the image of himself as a young boy in conclusion of this speech?

The answer is: To appeal to the audience's emotions and leave the audience with a memorable image. :) Hope this help. Good luck

What rhetorical strategy does Wiesel use in the conclusion of his speech to appeal to the emotions of the audience and leave the audience with a memorable image?

He returns to the image of himself as a young boy

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To leave unanswered questions for the audience to think about 👍🏽

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"Conclusion" can function as a noun. It refers to the final part of something, such as an argument or a speech, where the main points are summarized and a decision or opinion is formed.