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One thing that definitely makes Simon stand out from the other boys is that he apparently suffers from epilepsy. Simon also has a strong belief that the 'beast' is not an animal or a monster but is a force within people. Because logic tells him there is no real beast to fear, unlike the other boys, he has no fear of climbing the mountain alone to see the alleged beast. similarly he apparently also has no fears about going into the jungle alone or at night.

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15y ago
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11mo ago

Simon is portrayed as a character who is more introspective and attuned to the natural world than the other boys. His inclination towards solitary reflection and his sensitivity to the island's deeper truths set him apart from the other boys, who are more focused on immediate survival and power dynamics. Simon's outsider status is further emphasized by his visionary experiences and ethical insights, which the other boys struggle to comprehend.

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15y ago

Simon is a quite boy who keeps to himself a lot. Simon is happy to pick ripe fruit for the littluns who are unable to reach it. He admires Ralph and is happy to help him build shelters and is also happy to run an errand for Ralph, through the darkening jungle when the rest of the boys are scared of the prospect. Simon thinks a lot and seems to have realised, along with Ralph, that the beast is simply part of themselves and not some sort of creature, as most of the other boys believe. Simon faints on occasion and also seems to suffer from epilepsy, which would account for his imagined conversation with the Lord of the Flies, his nose bleed and subsequent collapse. The need to avoid being seen while experiencing an epileptic fit would also account for Simon's desire to spend time alone in his 'secret place.'

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12y ago

simon was really more of an angelically nice person in comparison to the others. he treated piggy with respect and kindness while others mocked him. he also happens to be the only one to figure out the beast isnt real, even if he dies before he can spread the news. but still personality wise he is very smart, almost as much as piggy, he is rational to not believe in a beast, and he is very kind to everyone. he also sticks with ralph, preferring to be rescued than to have immediate gratification and fun with jack. hope that helped

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Q: Why does Simon stand and act apart from the other boys?
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In lord of the flies Why does Simon stand and act apart from the other boys Why does he not take sides How are Simon and?

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Is Simon really batty?

No, Simon is infact the Christ like figure in Lord of the Flies. He has the ability to "see the future" and is more quiet and solemn compared to the other boys. The boys think Simon is crazy becuase he is not like the rest of them.

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The first actual 'evidence' that the boys have other than what they claim to have seen is Simon's dead body and when Jack, the majority of the boys leader at the time said that Simon was the beast.

What evidence did the boys find to prove there is a beast Lord of the flies?

The first actual 'evidence' that the boys have other than what they claim to have seen is Simon's dead body and when Jack, the majority of the boys leader at the time said that Simon was the beast.

What is the meaning of lord of the flies message to Simon?

Basically that "the beast" isn't something they can hunt or kill but an evil force inherit to the boys. It also tells Simon that he won't be able to escape and he will only find the beast among the other boys. Which comes true when the boys later kill Simon.