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3mo ago

Jacob dislikes Rosalie because she initially rejected Bella's choice to become a vampire and didn't support her decision to keep the baby. He sees her as selfish and self-centered, especially because Rosalie's beauty and immortality are things that he desires as a werewolf. Their conflicting views and actions create tension between them.

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14y ago

Rosalie does not like Bella because Bella is choosing to be a vampire. Rosalie would rather be human and dislikes the fact that Bella is throwing her human life away when she didn't get a choice

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11y ago

Rosalie was jealous of Bella because Bella was still human, Rosalie loved her human life, Until she was at her wedding, Rosalie was pushed around and she was in her wedding dress and also in pain, Carlisle changed Rosalie, Edward did not show any interest in Rosalie whatsoever. Even with tayna's coven of vampires.

Rosalie's friend Vera had a son which Rosalie was jealous of she found emmet when

she was a vampire and she thought about Vera's son, Harry. She thought emmet looked exactly like harry so Rosalie asked Carlisle to change him while he was attacked by a bear. Rosalie told Bella to think about it because she only had one chance of being human she could never change back.

I hope that answers your question.

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15y ago

because she is jealous of her and she wishes to be a human

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12y ago

because rosalie hates being a vampire and would do anything to be human again and in rosalie's eyes, Bella is simply just throwing away the one thing rosalie wants so much.

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14y ago

She could never have a baby of her own so that is why she likes her.

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13y ago

Because she's a vampire and he hates all vampires, the other vampires are nicer to Jacob than Rosalie is.

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