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Bella Swan sees Edward Cullen for the first time in Science 'Biology'. At this point he's staring at her, with his hands on his mouth, like he's in pain the whole time and so she gets parodied (she thinks its because her hair smells). Also at the same time his eyes are Black.

Then Edward and his family (The other Cullens;Alice,Jasper,Rosalie and Emmett). Don't come into school for 3 days. She starts noticing because she normally sits next to him in science 'Biology' . Then when he does decide to come in. He finaly introduces himself, and they together win a prize (The Golden Onion). And then she realises that his eyes are different (When walking together to the locker after Science 'Biology' with The Golden Onion). Because the last time she saw him they were black. But they were Golden Brown so she says ''Hey did you get contacts your eyes were... black''. And Edward Cullen says ''No Its the florescence's' and then he walks off.

Later on she starts to get interested in him. And so, when she goes to 'la Push' with Jakob Black. They start talking about legends . And some rumours come out about the Cullen's . Then she googles Vampire's and goes on a site called 'Apotamkim' legends etc. She also uses the guidelines of the net,books.

she is also able to think - about Edward's cold and pale skin;Like when they were both in his car and they both reach for the heater button and there hands touch and she jurks, cringes away because his hands are so cold . And his unimaginable speed(with which he got over to her to save her from the car that was about to hit her) and also the powerful strength (with which he stopped the car that was about to hit her) And he smells nice and is perfectly beautiful which of course this is all to invite you in. And that's how Bella Swan knows that Edward Cullen's a vampire.

I hope this has been useful =) xoxox

All by twilightdarcey

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6mo ago

Bella accepts that Edward is a vampire because she loves him unconditionally, trusts him, and sees the good in him despite his supernatural nature. She is willing to set aside her fears and prejudices to be with him.

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15y ago

Because shes is madly in love with him and everything about him drwas her in

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