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Jack dismisses Piggy with, "because we don't want you," essentialy because he doesn't like him and doesn't want his company. Ralph sugars the dismisal by telling Piggy that he has an import job to do at the platform (to take names). This helps to show that while Jack's decisions are mainly made in his own self interest Ralph does show some compassion and consideration towards other people. Piggy, in spite of the fact that the expedition is likely to involve physical exhertion, wants to accompany Ralph and Jack to establish himself as one of the "important" decision makers among the boys.

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6mo ago

Ralph and Piggy joined the feast in "Lord of the Flies" because they were curious about the rituals of the other boys. They also felt pressured to be part of the group to maintain some semblance of power and influence, despite their discomfort and unease with the savagery unfolding on the island.

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16y ago

What is the significance of Piggy's plea to join the expedition? If this refers to the initial plea to join the group of boys, in the first chapter, it sets up themes for the entire novel: the idea that Piggy is a bit of an outsider, has to ask permission, is the (rejected) voice of reason, provides glasses that can be used to produce fire, etc. If this refers to his request to join the visit to the other boys in Chapter 9, the meaning is related, but more focused; it shows him supporting Ralph's residual authority and sets up the final ruptures in civilization by pushing an accidental confrontation. OR

5.what is the significance of piggy's plea to join the expedition?

(on a wider perspective) The kids just got there, and this shows how they leave their intelligence and reason behind them as they go out to explore the new area. Piggy knows that they need to survive, but they think it's all play, that it's a paradise.

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15y ago

Piggy is very fat and wears thick glasses. He has short hair which never seems to get any longer. He suffers from Asthma and is reluctant to do anything which invloves physical exercise. He can't swim and the other boys view him as an outsider who is "bit of a joke," intelligent but boring.

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15y ago

I think you actually mean when does Piggy try to get Ralph to leave the feast that Jack has invited all the boys to. Once they have eaten some of the meat and some of the "hunters" begin to dance around the fire and pretend to hunt. Their dancing and chanting gets more and more excited and wild. Piggy begins to get increasingly uncomfortable about the whole situation and says something like, "Come on Ralph let's leave, we've had meat. Lets go now, before things get out of hand."

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14y ago

Essentially Piggy decided to visit Jack and his tribe at castle rock because he needed to have his glasses returned in order to simply function with any degree of normality. As he explained to Ralph and the twins he wasn't going to ask for his glasses back as a favour or to appeal to Jack to be sporting but he was simply going to demand their return because that was what was right.

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14y ago

Both Jack and Ralph are natural leaders. They are also boys who like to act on their decision as soon as they are made. However the reactions of the two boys to various incidents and people differs markedly. When various littluns mention the snake-thing or beastie, Ralph is willing to listen and to try and convince them that there is no such thing. Jack simply calls the littluns cry babies and tells them that it would serve them right if the beast got them. Ralph listens to Piggy's advice although he doesn't always accept it. Jack has an unreasoned dislike of Piggy and makes it very clear. They also differ in the objectives and their styles of leadership. Ralph seeks to lead by persuasion and a consensus of opinion. He believes in setting an example that others will follow, he is prepared to work alongside the boys. Jack believes in absolute rule. Under Jack's leadership he makes unquestioned decisions which his followers must follow under penalty of physical punishment. He dresses like a pagan idol and expects the other boys to serve him with food and instantly obey his orders. Ralph wants them all to be rescued and believes that they should try to make their existence comfortable while they are stuck on the island. Jack simply wants power, exemplified by his obsession with hunting and killing pigs, the ultimate power over life and death.

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15y ago

They were hungry,

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Q: Why did Ralph and Piggy join the feast in Lord of the Flies?
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