COTAINS SPOILERS FOR THOSES WHO HAVEN'T READ BREAKING DAWN!!! Rosalie can't have a baby because she's a vampire and vampires can't change ( So she wouldn't be able to let the baby have any room ), where as Bella still human so she can change to hold Renesmee
because his face reminded rosalie of her friend Vera's baby boy
they are like :O but then they are very supportive- espically rosalie- she is very protective over baby Renesme because she cant have any children of her own
If you like the name Rosalie for a girl, then yes it is a good name, it all has to do with a personal preference!
No, Rosalie only takes care of Bella's dauhter, Renesme, for a little while.
nothing they r already married they cant have kds
Yes, she was one of the primary carers for baby Renesmee. However, the first person Bella told was Rosalie, because she knew that Rosalie had always wanted to have a baby.
Yes, but rosalie can be a biach at times. Rosalie resents Bella for wanting to be a vampire, because she wants to be human and she cant be and Bella is a human and she doesnt appreciate her human life in Rosalie's eyes
Rosalie will stay alive. The only thing is that she is protecting Bella and the baby from Edward and Carlisle that think they should kill Renesmee. She's doing that, protecting Bella, because she didn't chose to be a vampire and as Bella chooses to become one and ignores that she won't ever be able to be a mother, Rosalie kind of tricks her to get her own baby. Actually, in the birth scene, Rosalie takes the baby immediately when Bella's starting to transform.
Rosalie tells Bella about how her fiance abused and nearly killed her when he was drunk and out one night with his mates. And how she wants to have kids but she cant.
Rosalie was jealous of Vere because she felt that Vere received more attention, admiration, and opportunities than she did. This jealousy stemmed from Rosalie's insecurities and desire for validation and recognition from others. Ultimately, Rosalie's jealousy strained her relationship with Vere and highlighted her own internal struggles with self-worth.
Bella called Rosalie for help, witch Rosalie did with every thing, but Edward believes she wanted the baby if Bella died during child birth.