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Not me. Suicide is high amongst those who discover themselves vampires.

Edward Cullen

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This line is said by Bella Swan in the book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. Bella mentions this to Edward Cullen during a conversation about the nature of vampires and their immortality.

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Q: Who says 'You don't get a lot of suicidal vampires' in Twilight?
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Who says You don't get a lot of suicidal vampires in Twilight?

people that don't want to die becuase humans biggest fear is death. i also don't want to die but i don't want to look like a gay vampire that looks suicidalEdward Cullen♥

How do you turn to a vampire?

Vampires aren't real. You can't turn into one. But! In twilight, it says all you have to do is get bitten by one. It's a very painful process though. By the way you can't turn in to a Vapire because Vampires are not real!

What makes vampires so irresistible?

Everything about vampires is supposed to invite humans in, so it will be easier to catch their 'prey'. In the Twilight movie, Edward says to Bella: "I'm designed to kill. Everything about me invites you in, my voice, my face, even my smell."

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I dont know if Robert Pattinson ever showers. But what I have read in magazines it says that the cast of twilight says that his B.O. is really bad. SO i dont know!!

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Edward says that 'darkness is so predictable, dont you think?' BRE

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Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls. The Radio Disney and children's edit has changed these lyrics to "you have me in denial, in denial when you says its over..."

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by watching Twilight hahah lol this is an inside joke the vampires killed them all hahahhahah lol lmfao

Can vampires eat vinegar?

of course they can eat vinegar who says they couldnt but they dont eat so im sure they wouldn't want to eat vinegar

How can vampires be distroyed?

There is many ways to destroy a vampire. In the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers it says that the only way to make sure a vampire is dead is to rip it to shreds and burn every peice. There is also many myths that say you can destroy vampires by driving a silver stake thru there unbeating heart.

Can vampires turned to fishes?

It has not be known Being fictional vampires can do anything the author says they can do in their fictional setting.

How can vampires in twilight have 25 chromosomes when they don't have blood?

In the Twilight series, the vampires' biology is mystical and fictional, allowing for their unique genetic makeup. Their 25 chromosomes are simply part of the fantastical world created by the author, offering an explanation for their supernatural abilities and characteristics. The absence of blood in vampires does not directly correlate with their chromosome count in the context of the story.

Where exactly does it say that Edward took Bella to prom in an Aston Martin in Twilight?

No i dont believe it says that.(: It dos not say that. However it is mentioned in Midnight sun and Twilight that Edward owns one along with the shiny silver Volvo.