Pinestar, who gave her the gift of compassion; Mumblefoot, who gave the gift of endurance; Larksong, who gave her the gift of humor; Sweetpaw, who gave her the gift of hope; Sunstar, who gave her the gift of courage; Goosefeather, who gave the gift of patience; Mosskit, who gave her the gift of trust; Moonflower, who gave her the gift of love; and Snowfur, who gave her the gift of pride.
After she died, Bluestar joined starclan.
Bluestar, a character from the Warriors book series, received her nine lives from StarClan, the spirits of deceased warriors who watch over the living cats. Each life represents a different quality or trait essential for a leader. The nine lives Bluestar received were for love, trust, courage, justice, loyalty, wisdom, leadership, nobility, and spirit. These lives were granted to her during a special ceremony where she journeyed to the Moonstone and communed with StarClan.
I dont know for sure who gave Mistystar her nine lives, but i'm gunna give it a go. Oakheart - Strength. Graypool - Protection. Stonefur - Lotalty. Leopardstar - Dovotion. Bluestar - Love. Blackclaw - Courage. Rippletail - Mentoring. Mudfur - Justice. Beechfur - Hope. Again, i'm dont really know who gave her nine live, its just a guess.
Bluestar, Lionheart, Yellowfang, Runningwind, Silverstream, Swiftpaw, Redtail, Brindleface, and Spottedleaf. Lionheart gave Firestar the gift of courage. Bluestar blessed Firestar with the gifts of nobility, certainty, and faith so he could lead Thunderclan. Yellowfang gave him the gift of compassion. Runningwind gave Firestar the gift of of energy (to run) Silverstream gave him the gift of loyalty. Swiftpaw gave him the gift of mentoring. Redtail gave him justice. Brindleface gave him 'power' (like to defend his clan, fighting with claws) Spottedleaf gave him love (for Sandstorm)
The main prophecy is said by Bluestar saying "Lion and Tiger will meet in battle and blood will rule the forest."
The answer is nobody, since Brambleclaw was not given nine lives. Only the leaders of the Clans are granted with nine lives from StarClan in the Warriors series, and Brambleclaw is currently only ThunderClan's deputy so he doesn't receive the extra lives.
Killed by Scourge in The Darkest HourDied in battle against rats in Firestar's QuestLost helping Ravenpaw in The Heart of a WarriorKilled by a falling tree while helping ShadowClan in DawnDied of greencough in Long ShadowsKilled by a fox shortly before The Fourth ApprenticeKilled fighting Russetfur in Fading EchoesUnknownDied from his injuries after Tigerstar wounded him in The Last Hope
Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Runningwind, Brindleface, Swiftpaw, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, Bluestar.
Nine Lives.
Bluestar received the scar on her back during a battle with a pack of dogs that invaded ThunderClan territory. She fought bravely to protect her Clanmates, ultimately suffering the injury that left her with a permanent scar.
Nine Lives Are Not Enough was created in 1941.