That depends what you mean. If you mean as a human it was just that his parents maybe wanted to have a child. If you mean as a vampire that was because he was dieing from the Spanish influenza and his mother asked Dr. Cullen to save him and so he did. If you were meaning that in a mean way. To let you know that i am a big fan of Edward Cullen.
Edward Cullen was born in 1901 in Chicago, Illinois.
June 20, 1901, is when Edward Anthony Masen or Edward Cullen as born!
In twilight Edward Cullen was born in 1901. But in real life Edward(robert pattinson) was born on the 13th of May 1986, so now in real life he is 23.
He was born in 1901 in Chicago - I think.
Edward Cullen was born in June 20, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois.
In Alaska, then he moved to Forks.
i believe in the year 1900
No, 1901. He was changed into a vampire in 1918
Edward was born in 1901 in Chicago...and changed by Carlisle in 1918 at a hospital because he was dying of Spanish influenza
EDWARD Cullen was bitten in march
edward is from twilight and he is hot edward is from twilight and he is hot
Edward came from Chicago in the early 1900's.