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5mo ago

Information on the Loch Ness Monster, also known as Nessie, can be found in books, documentaries, websites, and articles dedicated to the legend. The Loch Ness Centre & Exhibition in Scotland is a popular location to learn more about Nessie and the history surrounding the mythical creature. Online sources such as the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau and the Official Loch Ness Monster Website also provide information and updates on sightings and research related to Nessie.

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What do you win if you find Nessie on poptropica?

The prize for seeing Nessie on the Cryptids Island Preview was a Nessie hat.

What prize do you get if you find Nessie on poptropica?

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Has there been sightings of the Loch Ness monster?

There are plenty of pictures, but none of them are definitly Nessie

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You take a picture of fake Nessie with your camera at loch ness.

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Nessie ! Bella has a go at Jacob for comin up with that nickname Her nickname is Nessie, and bell looses it when she find out a) Jacob imprinted on Nessie(Renessmee) and b) Jacob nicknamed her Nessie.

How do you find Nessie on poprtopica?

sleep with the girl there

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find him at the view finder

What is the prize if you find Nessie on the Cryptids Island Preview?

The prize for spotting Nessie during the Cryptids Island preview (beginning December 2, 2010) was a Nessie Hat. (see related link)

How will a sonar echo help you to find Nessie?

Just go in the ocean, $)X (Qwerty Keypad) with a partner and you will find the Nessie, as it will come to you. :P i am a different person and this one is wrong

How can you find more information about The Legend?

One can find more information about The legend from: Wikipedia, Myths and Legends, Ancient History, Info Based Publishing, King Arthur, Black Dragon Legend, Zelda Universe, Nessie, to name a few.

Where can you find new pictures of Nessie?

See related link.

Where do you find Nessie underwater in poptropica?

i have no idea but i hope you know