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In "The Giver," comfort objects are taken away when the children become Nines. At this age, they are seen as too old to have them as they begin to mature and take on more responsibilities in their community.

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Q: When is a child's comfort object taken away in the book the giver?
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What is a comfort object in The Giver?

A comfort object in the book "The Giver" is basically a stuffed animal given to a child at birth to help them sleep at night. It is then taken away from them when you go to the ceremony of eights and its passed down to a newchild (baby).

In the book the giver What did Eights receive at the Ceremony?

They received a new jacket with pockets and smaller buttons. Also, being an eight means that they have their comfort object taken away and they start their volunteer hours.

What is the importance of the comfort object in The Giver?

The comfort object in "The Giver" represents the loss of individuality and emotional connections in the society. It serves as a tool to control and suppress emotions among the citizens. The absence of true emotional relationships is a key aspect of the dystopian world depicted in the story.

What is taken away when you turn 8 in the giver?

there comfort object if you have trouble understanding other wise it is pretty much a toy something u love like a stuff animal something maybe that helps u go to sleep - Nicole

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The girls wear their hair in braids with ribbons, and the children go to school and engage in recreation. At age Eight, the children's comfort object is taken away, and they receive jackets with pockets, indicating that they are mature enough now to keep track of their own belongings

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The setting is a dystopian society at an unspecified time in the future. Neither the book or movie The Giver tell you exactly when it takes place.

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