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The elders selected Jonas to be the Receiver of Memory, a highly important and respected role in their community. This assignment involved receiving all the memories of the past, both good and bad, that the community had chosen to forget. This job required Jonas to hold and understand the memories in order to advise the elders on important decisions.

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Q: What was the assignments the elders selected for Jonas in the giver?
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Who is in charge of the community in The Giver?

The community in "The Giver" is governed by a group of elders known as the Committee of Elders. They make all major decisions for the society, including assigning roles to individuals, controlling the distribution of resources, and maintaining order.

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Jonas's father knew that Jonas was going to be assigned as a nurturer because he saw Jonas's name on the list of assignments. In the world of The Giver, assignments are carefully chosen by the Elders based on each individual's qualities and aptitudes. Jonas's father worked in the Nurturing Center and noticed Jonas's qualities that would make him a good nurturer.

How do elders make assignments in the giver?

In "The Giver," assignments are made by a group of elders known as the Committee of Elders. They carefully observe and assess each individual's strengths, weaknesses, and aptitudes before assigning them a role in the community based on their suitability. The assignments are meant to best serve the needs of the community as a whole.

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The trainee who studies the fine art of release in "The Giver" is named Jonas. In the novel, Jonas is selected to receive memories of the past from the Giver and is eventually tasked with helping the community navigate the concept of release, which involves euthanizing individuals deemed to be no longer useful to the society.

Did Jonas chose to do his volunteer work in a variety of places in The Giver?

No, in the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Jonas is assigned his job at the Ceremony of Twelve rather than being given a choice of where to do volunteer work. The elders decide on their assignments based on the individuals' traits and abilities.

What is announced as Jonas assignments the giver ch 8th?

The Receiver of Memories..

In the giver what are the responsibilities of the Committee of Elders?

The responsibilities of the Committee of Elders are to assign spouses, assign children, pick Assignments for the Twelve's, etc.

Why does the Chief Elder apoligize to the country the giver?

she skipped jonas when she was reading off assignments

Why does Jonas have no idea about his assignment will be in the book the giver?

Jonas lives in a dystopian society where assignments are assigned by the elders, and people have no say in their assigned roles. The community keeps assignments secret until the Ceremony of Twelves as a way to control and regulate the citizens' lives. This lack of information adds to the suspense and tension in the story.

What is Jonas selected to do in The Giver?

Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory in "The Giver." This position requires him to receive and store memories of the past, including both the joy and pain of human experience, from the current Receiver, who is referred to as the Giver.

What page did Jonas get selected as receiver of memory?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Jonas is selected as the Receiver of Memory on page 12.