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As Jona rode away from the community, he felt a mix of sadness and relief. He was leaving behind the only life he had ever known but also escaping the strict rules and limitations of the community. Jona felt both apprehensive about the unknown future ahead and hopeful for a chance at freedom and self-discovery.

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Q: What was Jona's experience while riding away from the community?
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What was Jonas' experiences while riding away from his community?

While riding away from his community, Jonas felt a mix of excitement and fear. He was exhilarated by the sense of freedom and adventure, yet worried about the unknown dangers that lay ahead. He also experienced a deep sense of betrayal and sadness for leaving behind his family and the life he had always known.

How does the Giver plan to explain Jonas disappearance?

hes gonna say that jonas fell into the river, or he may just act like he also has no idea.

What physical feature of Jonas is different from everyone else in the community?

Jonas has pale eyes, while everyone else in the community has dark eyes. This physical feature makes him stand out and also plays a significant role in the story.

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If your weight increases while riding in an elevator, you are likely going upwards. As the elevator moves upwards, you experience a sensation of increased weight due to the acceleration.

At what time of the day did Jonas and gabe hide?

Jonas and Gabe hid at night while escaping from the community in "The Giver." They chose to leave under the cover of darkness to avoid detection and increase their chances of escaping successfully.

Is riding a seesaw a friction?

No, riding a seesaw is not an example of friction. Friction is the resistance that objects experience when rubbing against each other, while riding a seesaw involves a back-and-forth motion due to the pivot point and the weight distribution of the riders.

Why does Jonas feel lonely that evening the giver?

Jonas feels lonely because he is burdened with the knowledge and memories of the pain and suffering of the community, while they remain ignorant and disconnected. He longs for connection and understanding, but his experiences have isolated him from his peers.

What is their plan for creating change in the community in the giver?

They were ready to make a plan of change because The Giver was tired of having the community be emotionless, and trying to hide the true outlook and the joy of life while having babies being killed right under there eyes and not doing anything about it.

Why were riding helmets invented?

to protect the head from injury while riding.

How can someone tell if a senior living community is right for them?

The best way for an individual to tell if a senior living community is right for them or not is to visit the community and see what activities and what type of living environment is offered to them. While there they can talk with other members of the community to find out what their experience has been living in that community.

Describe your exact feelings and experience while riding kingda ka.?

boring...Not.. I feel high, drunk, crazy and my heart drops to my stomache and stays there for about 5 minutes