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kate likes edward

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The vampire girl from the Denali coven who likes Edward is Tanya. She develops feelings for Edward but eventually accepts that he is in love with Bella.

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Q: What vampire girl from the Denali coven likes edward?
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What is name of vampire girl form Denali coven who pretty much likes edward?


What is the name of the vampire girl from the Denali Coven, who pretty much likes Edward?

Type your answer here... Tanya

In twilight which member of the Denali clan likes Edward Cullen?


What is the name of the vampire girl that likes Edward?

It was Tanya but he didn't like her back.

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I think he likes her cuz she is part of Bella but he hates Edward cuz he took Bella away from him :)

What is the most likely vampire you could run into?

Edward Cullen..!! He is awesome..!!:P .... hell no not edward cullen blade is a vampire edward cullen is this sparkle thing that likes emo girls that dont know the regular life of a real teenager is...

What are the three main conflicts in twilight?

These are what I would consider the three main conflicts: 1. The fact that Edward is a vampire and Bella is a human, the relationship between the two is very risky. 2. Each vampire will come across a person every so often, and this person's blood will 'sing' to them. It is the most tempting smell the vampire will ever smell. It is as described in the book Twilight the PERFECT brand of heroin for a LONG time drug addict. Bella is that to Edward, making it even harder for him. 3. The Cullens and Bella meet another coven of vampires although these vampires are not vegetarian like the cullens and do eat people. James the leader of the coven is what's called a tracker, once he finds the sent of a person he likes he will never rest until he has got him/her. James decides to track Bella, with the whole of the Cullens protecting Bella, he likes the thought of a challenge. These are what I would consider the three main conflicts: 1. The fact that Edward is a vampire and Bella is a human, the relationship between the two is very risky. 2. Each vampire will come across a person every so often, and this person's blood will 'sing' to them. It is the most tempting smell the vampire will ever smell. It is as described in the book Twilight the PERFECT brand of heroin for a LONG time drug addict. Bella is that to Edward, making it even harder for him. 3. The Cullens and Bella meet another coven of vampires although these vampires are not vegetarian like the cullens and do eat people. James the leader of the coven is what's called a tracker, once he finds the sent of a person he likes he will never rest until he has got him/her. James decides to track Bella, with the whole of the Cullens protecting Bella, he likes the thought of a challenge.

Renesmee is a vampire or a human?

renesmee is a living breathing human and is half vampire too. she likes human blood and does not shine in the sun and does not have a lot of vampire strength but some of course team Edward rocks

Does Edward Cullen like somebody else besides Bella Swan?

No. Bella is his one and only but the vampire Tanya Denali expressed her interest in him a number of times but Edward never returned those feelings. Also Carlisle created Rosalie as a possible mate for Edward but he never saw her more then a sister. Also in Midnight Sun Edward describes Angela Webber's mind in a very positive light, so much so that one could argue that he likes her but once again these feelings are not romantic as he also helps with delivering a gift in the form of Ben Cheney to her.

What kind of vampire is James?

James is a vampire of the "nomadic" type, as he does not belong to a coven and travels around alone or with a small group of vampires. He is known for being a tracker with a keen sense of smell and a talent for hunting.

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not me

Whydid Jacob planned to killl the cullens when he knew that edward and Bella came back wherein he already set Bella free in eclipse?

Jacob thought that Bella's "rare desease" meant that Edward changed her into a vampire. He was a teensy bit mad that the person he loved was a cold, dead vampire, whom his pack kills the likes of.