The "Septimus Heap" series, also known as the "Magyk" series, is set in a fictional time period that combines elements of medieval and fantastical settings. The series features a unique world filled with magic, wizards, and mythical creatures, creating a whimsical and enchanting backdrop for the story.
An age has no set duration of time. Rather, it is a period of time where a specific event, or series of events, happen that all have the same theme.
The Gods and Warriors series is set in ancient Bronze Age Greece. It follows the adventures of a young boy named Hylas as he navigates the dangers and mysteries of this ancient world.
Primeval series are set in the time that they were aired: so, the latest series is set now.
The Term life insurance is the kind of insurance protection that is set for a period of time.
There is no set time period as it's a show about traveling through time and space, the episodes are set in the past, present day and the future.
Yes. They can pay off the mortgage within a certain time period set by the lender.Yes. They can pay off the mortgage within a certain time period set by the lender.Yes. They can pay off the mortgage within a certain time period set by the lender.Yes. They can pay off the mortgage within a certain time period set by the lender.
Contemporary means something at the present time. There is no set period.
A period on the periodic table is a horizontal row that represents the number of electron shells an atom has. A series on the periodic table refers to a group of elements that share similar chemical properties, such as the lanthanide and actinide series.
Zatoichi is a fictional character featured in one of Japan's longest running series of films and a television series set in the Edo period.
16th century
The first episode of hey Arnold to put on television was in October 1996 until June 2004. I wish they never concelled that show. It is so better than Spongebob.