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In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the concept of obsolete appears throughout the book rather than on a specific page. It is a theme that relates to the suppression of individuality and emotions in the community. As the protagonist, Jonas, begins to experience memories and emotions, he questions the idea of certain things, including human emotions, being considered obsolete.

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Where in The Giver is the word obsolete?

The word "obsolete" is mentioned in the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry when Jonas learns that certain things in the community are considered obsolete and are therefore no longer used or remembered, such as sledding or sunshine in the climate control. This term highlights the community's effort to eliminate anything that is deemed unnecessary or outdated.

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page 5

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the giver is a ..... well..... very BORING book! and the vocab words are all right! its around page 89 - 95!

The giver What does Jonas learn about climate control?

In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, The Giver explains to Jonas that with Climate Control, snow became obsolete because it hindered food growing as well as transportation.

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