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I, Turtle Wexler, confess to those four bombs. I'm sorry, it was a dumb

thing to do and i won't do it again. But! I am not a burglar and i never

murdered anybody, ever.

Your friend, Turtle

P.S. To make up for scaring you, i will treat everybody here to an exquisite

Chinese cuisine dinner when i win the inheritance.

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5mo ago

Notices in the elevator of the Westing Game include reminders about no smoking, limited capacity, and instructions on how to access the game's apartment keys.

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14y ago

The notices appearing in the elevator are notices of lost things, and invites to places.

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Who did the bombing in the westing game?

Turtle wexler set of the in the elevator.

Who set of the bomb in the elevator in the westing game?

The identity of who set the bomb in the elevator in "The Westing Game" remains a mystery throughout the book. It is revealed at the end that the bomber was Sandy McSouthers, who was also Sam Westing.

What does Chris notice through his binoculars in The Westing Game?

Chris notices Turtle talking with a man in a car using his binoculars in The Westing Game.

Who does get injured and why in the westing game?

Turtle Wexler gets injured in "The Westing Game" because she falls down an elevator shaft while investigating the mysterious events surrounding Samuel Westing's death.

Why are there bombs in the westing game?

1st=shin hoo's resurant 2nd=coffee shop 3rd=wexlers apartment 4th=elevator

What crime was in the Westing Game?

There was no crime in The Westing Game.

In the book The Westing Game How many people played the westing game?

There were 16 people who played the Westing Game in the book.

What is the new use for the back of the wall of the elevator the westing game?

Everyone hangs up flyer's saying to come to a certain event or to say they lost something etc.

What does the title of the book the westing game mean?

Westing is Sam Westing's last name, and the whole book is based on his game in the will, which is also titled the "westing game".

When was The Westing Game created?

The Westing Game was created in 1978.

What did one bomb burn in the westing game in the westing game?

In "The Westing Game," one of the bombs burned a corner section of the Westing house, causing damage to the building.

What was the crime in The Westing Game?

The crime in "The Westing Game" was the murder of Samuel W. Westing, the wealthy industrialist. The participants in the game had to solve the mystery of his death to win his inheritance.