firestars quest
"Firestar's Quest" has 510 pages in the paperback edition.
His mentor was originally Longtail, but when he got blinded his mentor became Thornclaw.
Firestars Quest, BLuestars Prophecy, and Skyclans Destiny..There are also the manga books.
"Firestar's Quest" is not a comic but a novel from the Warriors series written by Erin Hunter. It follows the adventures of Firestar, a warrior cat, on a quest to rebuild SkyClan.
Do you mean Willowpelt. If you did she died in Firestars quest but if you actually mean Willowbreeze. Than I don't know. Sorry! ;-p
The climax of Firestar's Quest really depends on one's opinion because the climax of the story is the most suspenseful or exciting part. I think it is when Firestar, Sandstorm, and the Skyclan warriors that chose to come are surrounded by the rats and think they are about to die.
The book after Crookedstar's Promise is Into The Wild, as of now. Crookedstar's Promise ties in with Bluestar's Prophecy, and soon to be in the same era is Yellowfang's Secret. So, Bluestar's Prophecy is after Crookedstar's Promise, then it leads to Into The Wild.
In "Firestar's Quest," a few cats die, including Flowerpaw and Snowpaw who drown in a river and Cloudstar who sacrifices himself to save Firestar. Additionally, Sharptooth, the mountain lion, dies in the final battle with ThunderClan.
It is about Firestars grandchildren and their adventures.
Cloudtail (cloudkit/paw)