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Children in the community are born and then immediately taken from their birthmothers to be cared for by Nurturers. They are placed into family units. The family unit must apply for a child. In the event of identical twins, only the larger of the twins is allowed to survive. Only fifty births are permitted each year.

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14y ago
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5mo ago

In "The Giver," children are not born naturally but are instead assigned to families by the community. Infants are cared for by a designated caregiver until they are placed with their assigned family units. This system of controlled birth and caregiving is part of the community's attempt to eliminate personal attachments and emotions.

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11y ago

Well each people in the giver world has a job. Comparing to the real world on earth to the world of the Giver, There are birth mother jobs and a nurtures job in the Giver.

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14y ago

children are born from birth mothers and cared for by nurturers

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13y ago

That they were given birthmothers instead of mothers having there own child and they were given three children per birth each i think 10 years

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Q: What is different about the way children are born and infants are cared for in the community in the giver?
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