if you mean an apprentice, this is a person who is learning a trade or a profession
An apprentice is a person who is learning a trade or profession from a skilled worker over a period of time. They receive hands-on training and guidance to develop their skills and knowledge in a particular field. Apprenticeships are common in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and healthcare.
November 24th, 2009
Leopardstar of River clan
You have to have graduated from High school.
Jay Baruchel :) hope that helped
Will does not actually die in any of the books of rangers apprentice
no it comes with 7.0 lite
He was determined to not be in his father's soap business. He was determined not to be his brother's aprentice.
The name of his apprentice is Ahsoka Tano
the new york tribune
senator palpatine forces you to be his aprentice and forces you to become the sith stalker
Sometimes when you study to be an electrician. You can earn as an aprentice.