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Technically, the first memory of pain Jonas receives is sunburn, which is in continuation of the joyful memory containing sunshine. However, Jonas feels only a diminutive amount of pain.

The first memory of strong, intense pain, is the memory of the sledding accident, which follows the pleasant sledding dream. In this sledding accident, Jonas breaks a bone in his leg and scrapes his face against ice. This was quite a harsh pain.

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6mo ago

When Jonas experiences his first really painful memory, it is of a broken leg. He feels intense physical pain and realizes for the first time what true pain and suffering feel like. This memory is shocking to him because in his community, pain and suffering have been eliminated.

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13y ago

War and death, getting injured, watching the battlefield.

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7y ago

Many. One of the first was the memory of a sledding accident another is a War with a dying child asking for water and there is also a sun burn.

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12y ago

Some painful memories that the giver gives Jonas are the sunburn, the sledding accident, the confederate battle (warfare), And the memory's of the elephant being brutally slaughtered.

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12y ago

The most disturbing memory given to Jonas was the memory of warfare.

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