At the end of "Hoot," Dana is arrested by the police for his part in the vandalism of the construction site. He realizes the consequences of his actions and decides to take responsibility for them.
he gets caught by the police
Dana Matherson
Dana's foot gets caught in a trap that was set at the construction site for the rodents and snakes. Dana had been trying to catch Roy. The police arrest Dana for trespassing and attempted burglary.
The antagonist in the youth adult novel Hoot is Dana Matherson.
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Buck saved Roy from Dana's assault in the janitor closet in "The Hoot." Buck intervened and stopped Dana from harming Roy during the altercation.
go to google
for trying to break into a tralier
Dana told Curly Hoot that she was sick and couldn't come to his birthday party, but she was actually going to a different social event.
Eric Phillips
In the book "Hoot," Dana Matherson gets arrested for vandalizing the school bus by gluing his hand to the seat. He did this in retaliation against Roy Eberhardt after an altercation.
Miss Hennepin knew Roy told the truth about fighting with Dana in the book "Hoot" because she found Dana's finger in Roy's textbook, which indicated that Dana had physically attacked him as Roy had claimed. This physical evidence supported Roy's story and confirmed his honesty about the altercation with Dana.