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The boys were travelling on a plane. The "passenger tube" of this plane was ejected during a storm because the plane was attacked. The "passenger tube" then crash landed on the island but was soon dragged out to sea by the storm, with many of the boys still on board.

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The boys were on a plane being evacuated from a war-torn area when it was shot down. They crash-landed on a remote tropical island.

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Piggy finds the conch and Ralph calls a meeting. Ralph gets elected as chief.

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Q: What events lead the boys to crash onto the island in Lord of the Flies?
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How did the characters in Lord of the Flies get to the island?

a plane crash and it may have been hit by a bomb

Is the island of the novel The Lord of the Flies a character?

No, the Island is the setting where the plot and main events take place.

What is the island shaped like lord of the flies?

The island in Lord of the Flies is shaped like a boat.

Who takes responsibility for the events on the island in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the responsibility for the events on the island can be attributed to the boys themselves. Their descent into savagery and violence is a result of their own human nature and the choices they make when faced with challenging situations. Whether it is the fear of the beast or the struggle for power, the boys ultimately bear the responsibility for their actions on the island.

How man survived the plane crash in lord of the flies?

None of them.

Where is the island in Lord of the Flies?

An island in the Atlantic Ocean

Where are the boys in lord of the flies?

On the Island

What is the symbolic meaning of the plane crash in lord of the flies?

The plane crash in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes the boys' descent from civilization into savagery. It represents the loss of order, authority, and the entrance into a world of chaos and violence. It also serves as a metaphor for the breakdown of societal norms and human nature under extreme circumstances.

In the Lord of the Flies the island was what shaped?

The island was boat shaped

Where is the gully in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the gully is a rocky area near the beach on the island where the boys find a source of fresh water. It is significant in the story as a location where conflicts and important events take place, such as Simon's death.

Lord of the flies what shape is the island?

A boat.

Who does the piggy live with before the plane crash in lord of the flies?

his grandmother