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In "Lord of the Flies," when one character says "You're a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief" to another, it represents the breakdown of society and the descent into savagery on the island. This quote highlights the characters' loss of humanity and their transformation into violent and brutal beings as they struggle for power and survival.

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Q: What does this quote mean You're a beast and a swine and a bloody bloody thief chapter 11 lord of the flies?
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What chapter does Simon meet the lord of the flies?

Simon meets the beast in chapter 8 on page 137.

In lord of the flies Who said You' re a beast and a swine and a bloody bloody thief?

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In lord of the flies why is chapter 6 called beasts from air?

Chapter 6 of "Lord of the Flies" is titled "Beast from Air" because this is when the boys mistake a dead parachutist for a beast coming down from the sky. This event heightens their fears and symbolizes the increasing presence of savagery on the island.

In Chapter 11 Lord of the Flies Answers?

In Chapter 11 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys hold a meeting to discuss the wild beast they fear on the island. They decide to search for it, which leads to a chaotic and violent hunt. The confrontation with the beast ultimately reveals the darkness within themselves as they lose their sense of civilization and morality.

What does Simon discover about the beast in the lord of the flies?

In Chapter 8, Simon discovers the "real" beast is a pig (sow) head on a stick, which is the Lord of the Flies... the lord of the flies also claims that the boys created the beast and everyone of the boys is a beast in himself.... In Chapter 9, the so called beast Samneric saw in earlier chapters and the same so called beast on top of the mountain that Roger, Ralph, and Jack saw is just a dead body of an airman in a parachute (Simon's discovery)... he then untangled the parachute lines...the wind caused the body to move like a puppet

What do the hunters chant for the book the lord of the flies for the chapter of four?

Kill the beast. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.

Where does percival say the beast comes from in lord of the flies in chapter 5?

He says in comes out of the ocean at night. :P

What is the significance of the chapter title Beast From The Water in Lord of the Flies?

The chapter title "Beast from the Water" in "Lord of the Flies" refers to the boys' growing fear of a supernatural beast on the island that emerges from the ocean. This chapter explores how the boys' imaginations and inner fears manifest in the form of the beast, reflecting the darkness and savagery within human nature. It symbolizes the escalating tension and paranoia among the boys as they grapple with their primal instincts and the unknown threat on the island.

In lord of the flies chapter 9 what word the boys won't use?

i guess its beast since Ralph and fatty wanted to get the idea of the presence of the beast out of the little boys' heads.

What must the meeting must not be in chapter 5 in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the meeting must not be about the beast in chapter 5. Instead, the meeting in this chapter focuses on the growing tensions between Ralph and Jack, particularly concerning priorities and responsibilities within the group.