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Q: What does jack rub all over maurice?
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What does Jack rub all over maurice in the lord of the flies?

The pig's blood, which had spurted over his hands when he slit the sow's throat.

Why does your dog rub all over you?

They are claiming you as yours.

Does salt help cold sores?

yup i rub it all over my face and my nipples

How do you feel a guy?

Well u umm... rub ur hand all over his legs thys and dick... also all over his chest

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rub strawberries all over it

What should you do if you rub glue all over yourself?

Call an ambulance and they will take you to the hospital to do something

Can you use wax vac on cats?

yes, rub it all over and into their nose, then help him ejaculate

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You can do acupressure all over your body to yourself. You can rub your feet, your hands and your head.

What do you tell a guy to do during phone sex?

Jack himself or Rub his nippies.

How do you rub Wisp's empty lamp in animal crossing city folk?

Once you have the Ghost's Lamp you go into your pocket and brin the hand over the Lamp then all you have to do is press Rub!

Can you sufficate a bug bite?

yeah of course you can. Just rub vasoline all over it. That will definitely work.

How do you make orange peel lip gloss?

First, peel an orange, then... rub it all over your lips!! ;)