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Jack promises new members of his tribe that they can have fun, hunt, and be free from rules and limitations. He offers a more primitive and exciting lifestyle compared to the order and discipline imposed by Ralph's leadership.

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Q: What does jack promise they will do if they join his tribe?
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Related questions

How does jack convince the boys to join the tribe?

Jack tells his tribe that they will hunt, and give a feast and invite the others who have not joined his tribe, to come eat and join them

What two reasons does Jack give for them to join in?

During the feast on the beach Jack actually gives three reason why the other boys should join his tribe, these are, and I quote... "I gave you food, said Jack, "and my hunters will protect you from the beast. Who will join my tribe?" He then mentions the third reason... "Who'll join my tribe and have fun?"

In what chapter do sam and Eric join jack?

Sam and Eric join Jack's tribe in Chapter 11 of William Golding's "Lord of the Flies." This is after Jack successfully splits the group and establishes his own tribe separate from Ralph's leadership.

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Who are the only ones who did not join jack's tribe?

Simon, Piggy, and Ralph.

What does Jack have the hunters do to samneric?

The hunters torture Sam and Eric until they agree to join Jack's tribe.

What offer does Jack make to Ralph's group?

Jack offers to let Ralph's group join his tribe, promising protection, fun, and freedom if they choose to join him. He also suggests that they can have a feast and a party at his camp.

What does jack bribe the boys on the island with?

Jack bribe the boys on the island with the promise of meat from the hunting expeditions he leads. He uses the allure of food and power to sway the boys to join his tribe over following Ralph's leadership.

Who did not join Jack's tribe Lord of the flies?

Ralph and Piggy hadn't joined Jack's tribe and when they wondered where everyone was they specifically mentioned Samneric and Bill by name. So, essentially apart from those 5 biguns, Simon and probably the littluns, by the start of chapter 9 most of the boys had already defected to Jack's tribe.

What happened to Samneric to make join up with jacks tribe?

Samneric were tortured and threatened by Jack and his tribe. They were also influenced by the fear and intimidation that Jack instilled in them, leading them to eventually join his tribe to avoid further harm and to align themselves with the more powerful group.

Who is with Jack in the forest in Lord of the Flies?

The people on the island with jack AFTER he forms a new tribe, is everyone except for some little ones, Ralph, Sam And Eric ( Though they get kidnapped and forced to join later ) and Piggy. ( Though he gets killed by roger, who had joined the tribe with Jack )

What happens when Jack asks Ralph's followers to join him?

Most of the boys agree to join Jack's tribe, despite Ralph pointing out that he is the chief and that Jack has no shelters to use during the coming storm. Then the storm which has been building up finally breaks and Jack tells the boys to, "Do our dance! Come one! Dance!"