I assume you're referring to Breaking Dawn? In that case, EJ stands for Edward Jacob, what Bella would have named her baby had it been a boy.
E is Edward and J is Jacob.
Edward Jacob or Edward Junior it is not confirmed in the book
EJ Caillouet goes by Ej, and Eeej.
Ej Sepp's birth name is EJ Sepp.
The "EJ" in Captain E. J. Smith stands for "Edward John".
It's not "WW". It is "EJ" and represents the designer of the coin, Elizabeth Jones.
Kanam EJ was born in 1926.
Kanam EJ died in 1982.
Ej Linehan is 5' 8".
Ej Sepp is 6' 3".
Holden EJ was created in 1962.
EJ Assi is 5' 10".