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I think that T.J was in jail. In the sequel it said that he was in jail for life and was sentenced to death. I think that was terrible. He didn't even kill Jim Lee Barnett. R.W and Melvin did. T.J was just taking the blame. I don't think he is killed in the end. I haven't even read the second book yet. I just read a summary. just Google in Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry. Then go to wiki. It will tell you almost everything.

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In Chapter 8 of "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry," TJ tells Kaleb Wallace that he knows where there is some whiskey hidden and offers to show him. TJ is trying to leverage this information to gain favor with Kaleb and potentially involve him in mischief.

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Q: What does TJ tell kaleb Wallace in roll of thunder hear my cry chapter 8?
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