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I dont know kid, go ask your mom

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Ralph asks Jack about the fire and why he let it out. This question makes the boys uncomfortable because it challenges Jack's authority and reveals his failure to fulfill a crucial responsibility on the island.

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Q: What does Ralph ask jack that makes the boys uncomfortable in lord of the flies?
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What does Ralph ask jack that makes the boy uncomfortable?

In lord of the flies, what does Ralph ask jack that makes the boys uncomfortable

What does Ralph ask Jack that makes the boys uncomfortably in lord of the flies?

I dont know kid, go ask your mom

Who were the three tallest boys on the island in lord of the flies?

The three tallest boys on the island in "Lord of the Flies" were Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. Ralph was described as the tallest among the boys.

What does Ralph plan to do to help the boys get boys get rescued lord of the flies?

make a fire on the hill.

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The vote was between Jack and Ralph. When all the boys voted they chose Ralph as their leader. :)

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In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys who stay with Ralph are Simon, Piggy, and Samneric. They choose to remain loyal to Ralph and help him maintain order on the island.

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The boys Elected Ralph Chief after meeting at the platform at the begining of the book. This is when they realize it was Ralph who blew the shell and called them there.

What are the names of the two boys in lord of flies?

The two main boys are Ralph and Jack. They are leaders of their own groups.

What is the target of the boys hunting in chapter 12 of lord of the flies?

The boys hunt for Ralph as an order of Jack.