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Jack finds Ralph and Simon building shelters when he returns from the hunts.

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Q: What does Jack find Ralph and Simon doing when he returns from the hunts?
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Who composes the group to hunt for the best in lord of the flies?

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An organism that hunts other organisms is called a predetor. I hope this is the answer to your question. Thank You.

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Nothing hunts a beagle. They are a domestic dog.

When was When the Eagle Hunts created?

When the Eagle Hunts was created in 2002.

What does Jack offer to do in Lord of the Flies chapter 2?

Ralph insults Piggy at the beginning of the book for Jack's approval and he also chooses Jack to accompany him and Simon on their journey up the mountain.When Ralph is elected leader he offers Jack the consolation prize of being in charge of the former choir and choosing what he would like them to be.

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why do tigers hunts often end in failures

How do you find Gary hunts email?

Try asking Gary hunts himself.

When did Cabela's Dangerous Hunts happen?

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts happened in 2003.

In Lord of the Flies what does Ralph think is the most important thing that needs to be addressed on the island?

Ralph believes that the most important thing that needs to be addressed on the island is the need for a signal fire to attract passing ships for rescue. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining the signal fire as their best chance of being rescued.

Who hunts more male or female lions?

the female lion hunts more than the male. because the female hunts 97% of the time. and the male lion hunts 3% of the time and stays behind to keep watch of the pride