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1. if you read the you'll find out Jacob doesn't come to visit billy and Bella

2. in the movie she answers his request and she says "this one?"

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Bella asks Jacob if he could fix the truck for her.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Bella has to double pump the clutch when she shifts.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

she is washing her car

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Q: What does Bella ask Jacob when he is showing her how to drive the truck?
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Jacob Black helps fix the dent in Bella's truck in the movie "Twilight."

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Jacob gave Bella a bracelet which he carved himself and it had a carving of a russet coloured wolf which represented Jacob. Jacob does give Bella a bracelet(for graduation) In the movie, Jacob gives Bella a dreamcatcher that is suppose to take away bad dreams(on Bella's bday).

What clolor is Jacob Black's car?

i am pretty sure that it is a faded red like Bella's truck

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Yes, in Twilight, Bella's dad bought the truck from Billy Black, who is Jacob Black's father. Billy Black sold the truck to Charlie Swan for Bella's use in Forks.

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Jacob Black did to Bella in Twilight, when he gives Bella Billy's old truck.

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Where does Bella Swan get her car?

She got the truck from Charlie who bought it from Jacob's dad. :) All the other cars in the series are given to her by Edward. :)

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He reminds her, on the day she get's her old Chevy truck, that they used to make mud pies when they were little.

What is Bella's home coming gift?

a orange rusty pick up truck from charlie that he bought off of billy black and Jacob rebuilt the engine

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Bella had a 1953chevy truck Rosalie Had A Red BMW M3 Convertible.

In new moon what chapter does Jacob Blacks sister arrive in?

Jacob Black's sisters get mentioned in very small part in twilight (when Jacob first sees Bella when he drops off the truck, new moon (when Jacob talks about not liking Sam, and in Ecplise (when we find out Paul imprinted on one them).