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Without adult intervention in "Lord of the Flies," it is likely that the boys would have descended further into violence and destruction, leading to potential chaos and even death. The boys' innate savagery and instinct for power would have continued to take over, culminating in a tragic outcome.

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Q: What do you think would have happened without adult intervention Lord of the flies?
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How effective do you think this effort will be without adult supervision lord of the flies?

Without adult supervision, the effectiveness of the effort in "Lord of the Flies" is limited due to the lack of guidance, structure, and stability that only adults can provide. The boys struggle with power dynamics, conflicts, and maintaining order without adult authority, ultimately leading to chaos and violence. This highlights the importance of adult supervision in maintaining peace and order in a group.

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Adult frogs eat flies or dragonflies.

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Flies go through a four-stage life cycle: egg, larvae (maggot), pupa, and adult. Adult female flies lay eggs on decaying organic matter, which hatch into larvae. The larvae feed and grow, then pupate before emerging as adult flies.

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Maggots are the young of flies and will grow up to be adult flies and those flies can reproduce.

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Fruit flies undergo a process called complete metamorphosis. They start as eggs laid by adult female fruit flies on fermenting fruit or organic matter. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots) that feed and grow before pupating into adult fruit flies.

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Can flies come from a dead animals?

Yes, flies can come from dead animals. When an animal dies, flies are attracted to the decaying flesh and lay their eggs on it. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots) that feed on the decaying tissue, eventually developing into adult flies.

In the Lord of the flies What is the parachute on the mountain a symbol of metaphor for?

The parachute on the mountain in "Lord of the Flies" is a symbol of the outside adult world and civilization. It represents the boys' connection to the world beyond the island, highlighting their isolation and descent into savagery without the presence of authority figures or societal norms.

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The purpose of the netting in redi's experiment was to prevent?

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Who is Wilfred and what is going on with him lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Wilfred is one of the boys stranded on the island. He is mentioned briefly in the story, as being one of the boys tortured by Jack and his tribe. Wilfred represents the theme of violence and savagery that emerges among the boys as they regress into savagery without adult supervision.