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They go after it, planning to hunt and kill it, leaving Piggy behind to watch the littluns.

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The boys mistake a dead parachutist for the beast from the air. They believe the parachutist is the beast and kill him by pushing a large rock onto him.

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Q: What do the boys do to the beast from the air?
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What is the beast form air How is it appropriate that the boys mistake it for a Beast what connection does it have with the novel's theme and what does it symbolize?

The beast form in the air is actually a dead pilot whose parachute catches on the mountain and moves in the wind. The boys mistake it for a beast due to their fear and imagination. This connection with the boys mistaking a harmless object for a beast highlights the theme of fear and the power it holds over the boys, leading to societal breakdown and chaos. The dead pilot symbolizes the destructive consequences of human nature when driven by fear and the unknown.

In lord of the flies what is the beast from the air?

The "beast from the air" is the dead body of a pilot, suspended from a parachute, which descends from the air and lands on top of the mountain. This body and it's "flapping" parachute are mistakenly identified in the dark as a"winged beast" by the twins Sam n Eric, who are called Samneric by the other boys.

Who first saw and reported the beast on the mountain to the boys?

Samnericfirst saw and reported the beast on the mountain to the boys.

What distracts the boys from the for the beast?

When searching for the beast the boys get distracted by the rock formation, "Castle Rock", that could be a fort for them

What is the significance of the beast in Lord of the Flies?

The imaginary beast that frightens all the boys stands for the primal instinct of savagery that exists within all human beings. The boys are afraid of the beast, but only Simon reaches the realization that they fear the beast because it exists within each of them. As the boys grow more savage, their belief in the beast grows stronger. By the end of the novel, the boys are leaving it sacrifices and treating it as a totemic god. The boys' behavior is what brings the beast into existence, so the more savagely the boys act, the more real the beast seems to become.

Are the Midnight Beast boys gay?

The midnight beast boys aren't gay they are all just loving to each other but they are not gay!!

What is the beast that the boys kill?

The beast that the boys kill in "Lord of the Flies" is actually a parachutist whose parachute gets tangled in the trees on the island. The boys mistake the shadowy figure for a beast and in their fear and frenzy, they end up killing him.

Who sees the beast from air first in lord of the fliet and what is their reaction?

The beast is first seen from the air by Sam and Eric (referred to collectively as Samneric) during their duties tending to the signal fire. Initially, they mistake a dead parachutist caught in the trees for the beast, leading to their frantic reaction and report to the rest of the boys on the island.

What ailment plagued the younger boys?

the beast.

In lord of the flies why is chapter 6 called beasts from air?

Chapter 6 of "Lord of the Flies" is titled "Beast from Air" because this is when the boys mistake a dead parachutist for a beast coming down from the sky. This event heightens their fears and symbolizes the increasing presence of savagery on the island.

What are the various reactions of the boys to the beast lord of the flies?

The boys react to the idea of the beast in various ways. Some, like Simon, see it as a metaphor for the darkness within themselves and in humanity. Others, like Jack, use the fear of the beast to control and manipulate the other boys. Ultimately, the existence of the beast becomes a manifestation of the boys' inner savagery and descent into primal instincts.

Are raven and beast boy in love?

no raven ist very fond of beast boys behavior