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They played in the water, and with rocks, and sand and stuff. It was mostly the littuns, though, that had time for entertainment. The older boys were usually either hunting, tending the fire, building shelters, etc.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

In "Lord of the Flies," the boys on the island entertain themselves by exploring the island, swimming, playing in the water, and engaging in mock battles. They also try to establish a sense of order by holding meetings and creating rules. As the story progresses, their entertainment turns darker as they delve into power struggles and violence.

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14y ago

According to Ralph in chapter three the boys who aren't hunting or on fire duty are, "off bathing, eating or playing."

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11y ago

The boys tie and beat Wilfred. so jack can show his dominance over everyone.

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11y ago

Being chief and the conch (who gets to speak).

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14y ago

They build sand castles

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