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He starts listening to music. They actually make a reference to it at the end of the book :)

PS: Great book, don't you think??

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5mo ago

When the Giver started sharing memories with Jonas, he experienced a release of pent-up emotions, understanding, and a sense of relief in being able to pass on his knowledge and burdens to another person.

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13y ago

He started to hear music.

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Q: What did the Giver experience when he started?
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The special power the receiver of memory needs to have in "The Giver" is the ability to experience and hold on to memories from the past. This power allows them to understand the true depth of human emotion and experience, which others in their community are shielded from.

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Hary potter had no experience when he started.

What is the role of The Giver in the society. The Giver ch13 through?

The Giver holds the memories of the society's past, serving as a repository of knowledge and experience. He is responsible for advising the community's leaders based on the memories he possesses, guiding them in decision-making and providing a historical perspective on issues that arise. Through his role, The Giver helps maintain order and stability in the society.

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"The Giver" is a dystopian novel by Lois Lowry that follows a young boy named Jonas who learns about the secrets of his community, where emotions and memories are suppressed. Through his training with the Giver, Jonas begins to question the society's rules and explore the depths of human experience.

How do you get started in acting with no experience?

Get some experience! Take an acting class or two to hone your skills, learn a monologue and a song, and get started auditioning.

What is happening to Jonas and memories In the giver?

In "The Giver," Jonas is receiving memories from The Giver to understand the true depth of human experience. As he gains these memories, he starts to question the restrictive society he lives in and the lack of freedom and emotion. This process leads Jonas to make a decision that will change his life and the community forever.