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Edward - Telepathic Alice - Psychic/Clairvoyant Jasper - Empath James - Tracker They all have super hearing, speech strength and speed Victoria-Super Curve Ball lurent-300 years of being a vampire and wat is up ther ^^ Rosalie-anger issues

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Carlisle: Enhanced strength, speed, and senses, as well as accelerated healing and immortality. Esme: Abilities similar to Carlisle, with a strong empathy and nurturing nature. Edward: Ability to read minds and telepathically communicate, in addition to enhanced strength, speed, and senses. Emmett: Immense physical strength and durability. Alice: Ability to see the future, along with enhanced agility and speed. Rosalie: Enhanced beauty and strength. Jasper: Ability to manipulate emotions and influence those around him. James: Enhanced tracking skills and longevity. Victoria: Enhanced strength, speed, and senses, with a talent for evasion and adaptability. Laurent: Enhanced strength, speed, and senses, with a preference for hunting humans.

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Q: What are the powers of carlisle Esme edward Emmett Alice Rosalie Jasper James Victoria and laurent?
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in human age, Esme is oldest then Carlisle, then Emmett then jasper, then Rosalie then Alice then Edward in vampire years, Carlisle is oldest, then Edward then Rosalie then Esme then Emmett then Jasper, then Alice ugh i just gave the same answer gees human = Esme, Carlisle, JASPER, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Edward. Vampire = Carlisle, Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and JASPER.

What is Emmet's backstory?

Emmett's back story is he was mauled by a bear and was found by Rosalie while she was hunting. She carried him on her back and traveled for 100 miles until she found Carlisle. Rosalie then asked Carlisle to change Emmett into a vampire because Emmett reminded Rosalie of one of her friend's sons. Emmett and Rosalie are now married.

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The main protagonists are Bella and Edward who fall in love but Edward is a vampire. The Cullen family - Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie - are also important. The antagonists are vampires Victoria, Laurent and James, with James being the main antagonist in 'Twilight' and Laurent and Victoria not becoming important until 'New Moon'.

Is this the right order Jasper Emmett Rosalie Alice then youngest is edward?

God this is about the 20th time I have typed this in human years it is Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Edward. Vampire years is Carlisle, Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice & Jasper. Ugh. That's not right! its: Carlisle, Jasper, Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett and Alice. The human ages don't count as to who is older or younger.

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Grizzly Bear

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The order is Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice & Jasper then Bella.

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