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In "Lord of the Flies," Jack's violent actions are influenced by the insults and challenges to his authority by Ralph, particularly when Ralph accuses Jack of not being able to hunt or keep the group safe. This leads to a power struggle between the two characters, with Jack feeling threatened and ultimately resorting to violence to assert his dominance. Additionally, Jack's desire for control and savagery play a significant role in his violent behavior towards the others on the island.

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Q: What are the insults that lead jack to violence lord of the flies?
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There were many complications in the novel Lord of The Flies such as; the fact that Jack was on of two dominant characters in the novel however Jack failed to acknowledge Ralph's democratic way of ruling the other boys on the island which lead to a major complication and a downfall in the boys society.

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Violence can lead to more violence because it can perpetuate a cycle of retaliation and revenge. When one party uses violence, it can provoke others to respond in kind, escalating the conflict further. Additionally, experiencing violence can cause psychological trauma and a desire for vengeance, further fueling the cycle.

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