There are many factors that can affect the communication process. Some of these include an anticipated response, the receiver, the message. and the feedback.
Three factors that affect the planning process in an organization is lack of team work, communication, and motivation.
Psychological noise refers to distractions within a person's mind, such as thoughts, emotions, or personal biases, that interfere with listening or communication. Physical noise, on the other hand, refers to external factors like loud sounds, poor acoustics, or interruptions in the environment that disrupt the communication process.
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Active listening, clear and concise language, nonverbal cues, and empathy are all factors that can improve communication. Additionally, providing feedback, asking questions for clarification, and being open-minded can enhance communication between individuals.
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Poverty and lack of effective communication are two factors that commonly interfere with family function across all nations. Poverty can create stress and limit access to resources, while poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflict within families. These factors can hinder healthy relationships and functioning within families regardless of location.
Shannon and Weaver: Communication is the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver through a medium, with the potential for noise to interfere with the message. Lasswell: Communication is the process of who says what, in which channel, to whom, and with what effect. Galtung and Ruge: Communication is the transfer of information through the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting messages to achieve understanding.
Explain the difference between the elements of the communication process and the communication process
Explain the difference between the elements of the communication process and the communication process
High decibel noisesConcussive blastVisual blocking of the face and body languageLarge CrowdsAnd believe it or not, this may not be a sound factor, rushing water and an assault of debris, dirt, wind, and even an assault of germs that can invade the head and cause nerve damage.