"The Westing Game" explores themes of honesty, friendship, and the value of teamwork. Ethical choices in the book include revealing the truth even when it is difficult, working together instead of competing, and using one's talents for good rather than personal gain. The book ultimately emphasizes the importance of integrity and doing the right thing, even when faced with challenges.
There were 16 people who played the Westing Game in the book.
Westing is Sam Westing's last name, and the whole book is based on his game in the will, which is also titled the "westing game".
Crow did. He shut off the electricity in the Westing Game book.
the theme for the westing game is FAMILY, family is always the answer
Sandy McSouthers' partner in the book "The Westing Game" is Barney Northrup.
Sunset Towers,Westing Manor
Mr. Hoo lives in Sunset Towers in the Westing Game book.
The killer of Sam Westing in the book "The Westing Game" was revealed to be his partner, Sandy McSouthers. He orchestrated his own death as part of an elaborate game to find his heir.
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