TNK-Top Notch Killaz
PRO-The Pro's
MVP-The Most Valuable players
Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Skyclan, Starclan
The first original Clans names were these: LeopardClan LionClan TigerClan ThunderClan ShadowClan WindClan RiverClan SkyClan StarClan
Mag Uidhir is the original Irish spelling.
White-eye (Codes of the Clans)
White-eye (Codes of the Clans)
According to the book Secrets of the Clans, ThunderClan's original (first) medicine cat was Cloudspots.
Check out MAG's website @ MAG.COM. Look for the advertising trailers for the three PMCs S.V.E.R., RAVEN and VALOR. This will give you some ideas as to what each PMC is all about. You can also look this up on you tube under MAG - S.V.E.R. Trailer, MAG RAVEN Trailer and MAG VALOR Trailer. Also, check out the community tab on the MAG website and look under clan recruitment. If you join up with a clan, you'll have an easier time getting used to this incredible and one of a kind game. A clan is not needed to play MAG or to have fun playing MAG but clans can help. Teamwork is the key in this game and all PMCs use teamwork to get the job done. Which PMC should you join? That depends on you. Each PMC has different weapons, armour and location so you'll have to decide. Some MAG Players prefer RAVEN's weapons, some prefer S.V.E.R. Hockey Masks or Hoods and some prefer the Sleeveless Valor character. It all depends on you but you won't know until you play the game!!!
panoo mag doanload
There are only seven original clans of the Cherokee which still exist today. They are the Ani-wa ya, Ani-Kawi, Ani-Tsi skwa, Ani-wi d, Ani-Sah a ni, Ani-Ga tagewi, and Ani- Gi IAA hi.
50-500 usd
if a original mag 30 if high cap its 40 to 100