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Jacob Embry Sam

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5mo ago

The wolves involved in the fight in Breaking Dawn are Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, Quil Ateara, Embry Call, Sam Uley, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Brady Fuller, and Collin Littlesea.

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What are the names of the younge wolves in Breaking Dawn part 2?

Brady and Collin -Abby

What are all of the names of the wolves in Breaking Dawn?

Leah, Sam, Seth, Jacob, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil.

Doest wolves die in breaking dawn part 2?

No they do not

What are the names of the 17 wolfes in the final battle of breaking dawn?

There weren't 17 wolves but the names are Jacob,Sam,Leah,Embry,Jared,Quil,Seth,Collin,Brady and Paul.

Is Breaking Dawn in cartoon?

No, But they will be using CGI for the wolves and for Renesmee when she is a baby.

Who fought in Breaking Dawn?

Nobody really fought in Breaking Dawn although the Volturi and the Cullen family were going to fight but they proved that no one would have to fight.

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Does sam and Jacob fight in Breaking Dawn?

They do fight but it wasn't a big fight just a little

Can wolves Kill Vampires in Breaking Dawn?

yes they can but they chose not to because of bella, wimps

Who killed Felix in breaking dawn part 2?

Felix is kill by Leah the wolves