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Warriors:Bluestar loses her belief in Starclan after Tigerclaw tries to kill her. Tigerclaw takes over two clans and makes them Tigerclan and names himself the leader, Tigerstar. Tigerstar makes dogs attack the Thunderclan camp. Bluestar gives her last life to save her clan by pushing the dogs off a cliff. Tigerclan splits. Tigerstar is cast out. He finds a group of rouge cats lead by a cat name Scourge He calls them Bloodclan. Scorge kills Tigerstar because he wants to be the leader. All forest clan fight Bloodclan over the forest and win. Fire alone will save are clan!

New Prophecy: Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, Stormfur, Feathertail, Tawneypelt, and Crowpaw travle to the sundrown place and meet Midnight the badger. She tells the cats the clans have to leave the forest. The cats go home and tell the news to the clans. All the clans leave and find a newhome around a lake. At the lake Hawkfrost tries to make Brambleclaw kill Firestar after Firestar is caught in a fox trap. Brambleclaw refuses and cuts Hawfrost's throat. Before he dies, Hawkfrost threatens Brambleclaw, then he falls into the lake and dies. Blood will spill blood and the lake will run red!

Power of Three: The clans save the Tribe of Rushing Water from invading cats. a strange rouge cat named Sol is found and says the Sun will disappear. When it does Shadowclan loses its belief in Starclan. Jaypaw, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze give them bake their belief when they give Starclan a chance to talk to Blackstar. Japaw is made a full median cat by Leafpool. Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze are Leafpool's and Crowfeather's kits, not Brambleclaw's and Squirrelflight. Hollyleaf dies in the end. Three will rise, kin of your kin, who have the power of the stars in their paws!

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Yes there is a Warrior Cats fansite. The link is below Warrior Cats has a great website as well. The link is posted below.

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Warrior cats have only book series and videos on youtube that youtubers make.

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the first volume of warrior cats is called #1 into the wild, the first book.

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It has been confirmed by Erin Hunter that there will be no warrior cats movie

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"Warrior Cats" drawings on DeviantArt are created by fans of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.